Rowing WOD 11/9: “It’s all about the …” – 5RFT – 250m Row, 10 Goblet Squats to Erg – Post Time

Break Parallel and Explode Up Through The Heels!

Rowing WOD 11/9:

“It’s all about the …”

5 Rounds For Time:

250m Row (@2k-2)

10 Goblet Squats to the Erg (25/15 lb.)

Whether you want to take home the hammer from the CRASH-Bs, conquer the games, or just live a healthier life, you will need to be able to powerfully extend your hips.  In rowing specifically, we need to be able to turn on our glutes and hamstrings quickly in order to pick up the boat or flywheel before they die.  Getting our motor neurons to fire quickly in order to drive through the heels is the name of the game.  In today’s Rowing WOD use the erg seat, or the erg rail if the seat is to high, for goblet squats.  Focus on getting to the same depth every time, kissing the erg, and then exploding through the heels.  The weight is light, so focus on good foundational movement and generating speed with the legs and hips.  Cycle through the squats with good form as fast as possible.  During the 250m pieces you can practice your 2k start and then fight to consistently hold a 500m Split that is 2 seconds faster than your current 2k average split.

Post your time and average splits to comments!

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