Video Review and Survey: How can the Renegade Rowing Workshop at Mt. Strength CF help you?

Hey Renegades!

I hope everyone is staying warm and had a blast watching the Super Bowl on Sunday!  Now if only we could take care of this snow and the commute, right?  I just wanted to shout out to all of those athletes that participated in the Renegade Rowing Workshop at Mt. Strength CF last weekend.  Well done learning the stroke and mastering those skills and drills.  I had a blast working with you guys!

IMG_3541Last weekend I had the privilege to coach 13 athletes at Mt. Strength CF in Winchester as part of my Renegade Rowing Workshop.  The video review seen below was taken there and we all had a blast.  I love seeing people learn and improve.  If there is any way I can help you get better at something please let me know.

I’m constantly trying to learn more and improve myself as well as Renegade Rowing.  I would like to offer the best program and training I can and to do that I need your help.
If you could take a few minutes out of your day to fill out the survey below, it would mean the world to me.
Renegade Rowing(it’s not just rowing 😉 2015 Improvement Survey:

To show my thanks for filling out the above survey, I would like to invite you to a Homemade BBQ dinner at the gym on Wednesday, February 11th at 7pm in the lounge.  I will have BBQ Pulled Pork and Collard Greens for everyone.  I will outline my intentions for the future and what I can offer.
Everyone who fills out the survey will be entered into a Door Prize Drawing at the BBQ Dinner, so tell your friends and spread the word!
Any feedback helps!  Thank you for being awesome!