Strength and Conditioning WOD 2/18/15: “Rowing Helen” – 3RFT – 500m Row, 21 KB Swings, 12 Pull Ups – Post Time and Splits


Strength and Conditioning WOD:

The RRC attacking the 2k Row at the end of yesterday's practice.  Renegade Rowing League is coming up, Register Now!“Rowing Helen”

3 Rounds For Time

  • 500m Row
  • 21 KB Swings (24/16 kg)
  • 12 Pull Ups

Today’s focus is Rhythm and Intensity. Get in some good skill work by warming up with a Reverse Pic Drill and Pic Drill in your 10min Erg Warmup. Go hard for the start and finish of this workout, but be smooth and efficient through the bulk of the work. Focus on breathing and consistent pace.  Find the right scale so that each movement is challenging and pushes your intensity while allowing rhythm and flow.  A good goal would be holding a 2k-1 pace for the 500m pieces.

We’ve done this WOD a couple of times this winter.  Today is an opportunity to compete against yourself and everyone else on your team to have better form and go faster for Rowing Helen. Dig deep and push harder for the person next to you!

Take quality strokes and have fun pushing yourself.

Post your time for the Strength and Conditioning WOD to comments as well as your splits for each 500m piece.