S&C WOD 2/13/15: AMRAP7 – 50 DU’s, 5 Burpees, 10 Cal Row – Post Score

Strength and Conditioning WOD:

Lateral Burpees over the erg might be awesome today!  Just saying!

Lateral Burpees over the erg might be awesome today! Just saying!


50 Double Unders

5 Burpees

10 Calorie Row

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The focus of today is Strength, Power, and Breathing.  Be sure to get in the Strength WOD of 5×5 Shoulder Press. If time allows, hit this Strength and Conditioning WOD to practice your mental focus and mind-set for race day.  Work for 7 solid minutes trying to flow and breath through the double unders and burpees.  When you get on the erg be present every stroke and maximize your efficiency and power as if it were the last stroke of the race.

If everything else is equal, the stronger rower will win.

Get Strong and Have Fun!